The “…Is Not Yes” campaign relaunched to raise awareness about preventing sexualized violence, highlighting the importance of consent and available supports for post secondary students.
UNBC’s Interim Director of Student Affairs and Housing Justin Foster said new students go through an online consent module, and staff go through some special training.
“Certain groups are receiving consent campaign training, we do that with our residence assistants, those are student staff who live in residence. They receive consent training, so how to support students through instances of sexual misconduct.”
CNC’s Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, Mark Karjaluoto said consent training is an ongoing education, and noted that about two thirds of incidents that could take place are generally taking place within the first eight weeks of students being on campus.
Karjaluoto added that students have a number of options if they do experience sexual violence, on or off campus.
“We encourage students, if they’ve encountered an incident, or have experienced sexualized misconduct, that they go to a safe place on campus, or that they get to a shelter, or a trusted friends house and seek out help.”
He said Prince George’s campus has a security office that you can contact, and that anyone on any of the other campuses, like Vanderhoof, the Lakes District, and Quesnel, is encouraged to contact the RCMP.
Both UNBC and CNC have more information available on their websites, like support service numbers, a list of their policies and procedures, as well as community resources.
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