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HomeNewsProvince adding milk containers to deposit-refund program

Province adding milk containers to deposit-refund program

Starting in February, people in BC will be able to return milk and milk-substitute containers for a refund.

When people buy milk or a milk-substitute, a refundable deposit of 10 cents will be paid for each eligible container, and consumers will get the deposit back when containers are returned.

These containers will be accepted by the deposit-refund program starting February 1st, and shouldn’t be put in residential blue bins after that date.

BC residents are still encouraged to continue recycling containers that aren’t being added to the deposit-refund system such as infant formula, meal replacement/dietary supplements, coffee cream, whipping cream, buttermilk, or drinkable yogurt.

Additionally, the province is planning on expanding the number of single-use products that can be recycled in 2023.

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