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HomeNewsBC requiring vaccination status from school staff amid concerns

BC requiring vaccination status from school staff amid concerns

A provincial health order requiring school staff to submit their vaccination status to their employers was implemented yesterday (Monday).

Dr Bonnie Henry said this was a step to help school districts figure out if a mandate was required for their area.

She added that some districts had trouble obtaining vaccination status information from their staff, and were worried about the legalities of it.

“The first step in this, and this is part of the advice that we’ve providing to school districts, is understanding the vaccination status of school staff.”

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Henry said this order also helps Medical Health Officers (MHO) in determining which schools are at the highest risk of outbreaks.

“This order takes that pressure away, and makes it very clear that there is a legal basis from this requirement, and a standard process for the MHO’s when they’re working with their school districts to address these issues.”

Henry added that mandates have been complicated for schools, as there are 60 school districts across the province.

She noted that this was in the works for a while, and MHO’s have been working closely with school districts.

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