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HomeNewsBC Conservation Officer Service launch ice fishing patrols for winter season

BC Conservation Officer Service launch ice fishing patrols for winter season

The winter season is officially here in Northern BC and that means anglers will be casting a line and going ice fishing.

However, the BC Conservation Officer Service has launched patrols for the season and reminds everyone to have their fishing license on them at all times.

Anthony Eagles is an officer located in the North Omineca Zone who told MyPGNow.com there are consequences if the proper documentation isn’t on hand.

“Violations that we find can range from receiving a written warning all the way to court action should the violation be significant enough.”

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“The numbers as compared to the 20-thousand plus calls our agency receives a year in relation to bear conflicts, for instance, the number of calls we receive regarding these suspected violations related to ice fishing is somewhat lower.”

Eagles adds once officers see a valid photo I.D. they will then make sure any gear is in order. This includes using only one fishing line and people are angling in a lake that is open to ice fishing within the regulations.

The Conservation Office states if anyone is caught ice fishing with two lines can be reported to the RAPP Line at 1-877-952-7277.

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