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HomeNewsDe-icing issues at YXS resolved

De-icing issues at YXS resolved

Updated Story 4:50 PM
After a chaotic few days, flights coming in and out of YXS will be operating a lot more smoothly.

The PG Airport Authority noted today (Monday), a replacement part has been installed in the de-icing truck.

President and CEO, Gord Duke told MyPGNow.com another truck shipped in from the Lower Mainland will now call the airport home.
“That piece of equipment, that de-icing truck will be here permanently. It is not an interim fix, it will be here permanently so when we are fully up and running we will have three.”
He adds the airport should get caught up in short order.
“The airlines are adding in extra capacity and frequency to get this cleared up in the next 18 hours. We hope to have everybody to their final destination for the holiday season shortly.”
“People just want to get to their destination for the holiday season so it was very stressful, very tough on the frontline staff as well. However, I think overall, people were understanding about it.

Duke also explained the importance of a de-icing truck, this time of year.

“Any snow or ice contamination of the control surfaces can really severely impact the aircraft’s handling. There are very prescriptive regulations on the de-icing process. There is really zero tolerance on any leeway in changing any of those requirements.”

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“I am pretty happy they were able to source the part locally and get the unit installed and get it up and running fairly quickly.”

Original Story at 12:20 PM

Flights coming in and out of the Prince George Airport will be operating a lot more smoothly.

YXS noted today (Monday), a replacement part has been installed in the de-icing truck further assisting with operations at the facility.

In addition, a replacement de-icing machine has departed from the Lower Mainland. It is expected to be here today and will be put into service after a brief inspection.

Over the last few days, several flights at YXS have either been late, cancelled or delayed due to the equipment issue.

For a list of flight updates, click here.

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