The colder weather Prince George has been seeing the past couple weeks has been helping ski hills ramp up for a weekend opening date on Saturday (Dec. 18th).
Darian Spagrud with the Hart Ski Hill said they’ve been using this weather to their advantage.
“We’re playing a little bit of catchup with the way the weather has been this season with the snow gun, and we’re relying a lot on artificial snow. But the way the weather has been the last two weeks or so has been super, super good for it, so the gun has been running almost nonstop.”
Spagrud said they’ve been putting in some extra time to make sure PG residents can hit the slopes.
“Luckily we have a pretty good crew here so a lot of people have been able to stand in and share the workload. But ya, there’s been some extra hours for sure.”
In terms of COVID-19 restrictions, he said vaccine cards will only be necessary to access the indoor eating areas, otherwise things will look similar to last year’s ski season.
“We’re going to have one entrance and one exit to the lodge, masks are going to be mandatory in the lift lines outside as well as inside.”
Purden Ski Village said on its website it will be open on Saturday as well.
Something going on in the Prince George area you think people should know about?
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