Granville’s Coffee in Quesnel has been shut down by Northern Health for a lack of compliance when it comes to showing proof of vaccination for COVID-19.
Eryn Collins is the Regional Manager of Communications with Northern Health.
“The outlet in question has been issued a warning letter in late October. Warning letters, they don’t expire, they don’t get rescinded but an establishment can come into compliance and then we’ll reflect that information on our website.”
Collins said as part of progressive enforcement, warning letters are sometimes followed by a closure order.
She added fines can also be issued, although Northern Health has yet to take that step and tries to work with businesses to get compliance.
“When an establishment receives a warning letter or a closure order, it clearly lays out the steps that they need to come into compliance. That’s largely demonstrating to public health that they intend to, how they intend to, and that they are in compliance with current public health orders. So an establishment is pending compliance until those measures have been completed.”
Collins said this can be achieved fairly quickly.
“There have been examples of previous closure orders and warning letters frankly that have been issued, where it has been issued on a given date and the compliance has been achieved very quickly, so yes it can.”
She added it’s just a matter of demonstrating that they can comply with the requirements that are currently in place in BC, and then that compliance being verified.
Files from Pat Matthews, MyCaribooNow
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