The BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) shows the vaccination progress of communities around BC.
Since December 7th, 5% of children aged 5-11 in Prince George have been given their first COVID-19 shot.
The BCCDC doesn’t show exact numbers, just the percentage, so these stats could change depending on the size of the population.
PG is following the norm in the north, with many other communities in Northern Health, like Terrace, Prince Rupert, and Peace River North sitting at 6% vaccination.
Burns Lake has the most vaccinations in that age group, with 14%, and areas like Nechako have 1% and Haida Gwaii show 0% since December 7th.
Northern Health is following a similar trend with most of the other health regions.
Fraser Health has a low of 2% in Hope, but a high of 12% vaccination in Chilliwack, Interior Health has a low of 0% in Enderby and a high of 11% in Lillooet, and Vancouver Island has a low of 1% in Vancouver Island West and a high of 12%.
Vancouver Coastal is where the vaccination numbers take a drastic turn.
The highest vaccination rate is in the Central Coast, which sits at 58%, and many of the other communities hover between 15-32%.
The lowest rate Vancouver Coastal has in Bella Cool Valley, which sits at 1%.
The vaccination progress average in each health region since December 9th are as follows:
- Northern Health- 10%
- Vancouver Coastal Health- 28%
- Vancouver Island Health- 10%
- Fraser Health- 12%
- Interior Health- 9%
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