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HomeNewsCould Mr. PG be on the move?

Could Mr. PG be on the move?

Prince George’s most iconic landmark might be on the move.

City Councillor Brian Skakun will be asking Mayor Lyn Hall and other city officials if there would be any cost to potentially move Mr. PG from its current spot along the Highway 16 and 97 corridor.

However, Skakun told MyPGNow.com it would only be a matter of a few feet.

“Right now, the way development is taking hold where Mr. PG is now, it is limited access (for people to get in) and the backdrop is an apartment building versus Cranbrook Hill before and some nice trees.”

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“I drive by there every day on my way to work and you can see there is more and more development in that area and it’s a prime spot for some economic development. I think there is another restaurant going in close to the Playhouse and where people used to be able to drive in, pull into the Roll-a-Dome parking lot or at the Playhouse, some of that is going to be limited now.”

Skakun wants to keep Mr. PG within the corridor as it’s the busiest intersection in all of Northern BC and does not want to take away any visibility for the landmark.

“If we put on the highway a little bit north of that intersection or south or even east or west you are going to lose a lot of visibility. In Northern BC, that’s the busiest intersection I am told and I want to keep it within that area.”

The long-time city councillor hinted at a possible new location for it.

“Across the way is the Treasure Cove Casino. It was originally there when John Major bought the property and took down the tourism information booth. We are limited as to where we can go.”

“If you look north where the Welcome to Prince George sign is, a lot of people have asked why don’t we put it there? The problem with that corner is that there is no parking for RV’s and no safe pullout from the highway to park in that spot. There could be some significant capital costs to put it there even though I think it is the best spot.”

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