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HomeNewsRestrictions in Northern Health extended for another two months

Restrictions in Northern Health extended for another two months

COVID-19 restrictions in Northern Health have been more extensive than in other health authorities, and those restrictions have been revised starting tomorrow (Wednesday).

“Northern Health will be revising their orders, one to have an expiry date of January 31st, 2022. The order will cover all of the Northern Health Authority,” said Doctor Bonnie Henry.

Bars and nightclubs will remain closed and restaurants will continue to end liquor service at 10 pm.

“There’s still no in-person worship services being allowed at this time, although drive-in services will be permitted.”

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Social gatherings at private residences are limited to 10 extra people inside, and 25 outside if they’re fully vaccinated.

Outdoor events with more than 25 people will be limited to 50% capacity with the BC Vaccine Card.

Indoor seated events of more than 10 people will be limited to 50% capacity as well.

“And that includes funerals, weddings, sporting events, theatre arts, and performance events,” said Henry.

Minister of Health Adrian Dix said community leaders in the north have led the vaccine initiative.

“The north is absolutely a priority for vaccination. You’ve seen this in the relentless effort to vaccinate people that has been led by community leaders in the north.”

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