The BC Government implemented a proof of vaccination policy that came into affect Nov.22nd, and the government reported that over 98% are partially or fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Data submitted by ministries to the BC Public Service Agency confirms that of more than 38,240 employees asked to provide proof of vaccination:
- 97% of employees have met the requirement for full vaccination.
- 439 employees, 1.15%, are partially vaccinated and have 35 days from the date of their first dose to become fully vaccinated.
- 274 employees, 0.72%, have requested an accommodation based on a medical condition or other protected grounds and these requests are being reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
- 432 employees, 1.13%, are unvaccinated or declined to disclose their vaccination status.
This policy applies to anyone working for the BC Public Service, whether they work onsite or remotely.
Unvaccinated employees, people who refuse to disclose, and partially vaccinated individuals who don’t get they’re second jab after the 35 day time frame are placed on unpaid leave for three months.
Anyone who doesn’t comply after that may get terminated.
Contractors and anyone accessing employee only areas will need to be fully vaccinated by December 13th.
This doesn’t apply to members of the public accessing government services.
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