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HomeNewsNechako Valley Rodeo comes to Vanderhoof this weekend

Nechako Valley Rodeo comes to Vanderhoof this weekend

The annual Nechako Valley Rodeo runs in Vanderhoof this weekend.

Two full days of rodeo action will be filled by bulls, broncos, barrel racing and youth events.

But Rodeo Committee Director Rebbecca Robinson says they have a new event this year… wild horse races.

“A team of three men come in and grab a hold of a wild horse, try to put a saddle on it, get on it and ride it. It’s kind of sketchy and kind of fun and is a big event at some of the other rodeos.”

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On Saturday visitors are encouraged to wear pink for ‘Tough Enough to Wear Pink Day’, a dance is also planned for Elks Hall that evening. Sunday is family day.

Robinson added that donations and sponsorships from within the community have allowed them to increase the prize pool this year.

Tickets are available at the gate or in advance at California Dreamin’ in the co-op mall in Vanderhoof.

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