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HomeNewsPG moves forward with renaming O'Grady Road

PG moves forward with renaming O’Grady Road

During Monday’s City Council meeting, the renaming of O’Grady Road in Prince George was brought to the table.

All the councillors were on board with changing the name, and the city will consult with the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation and come back with the steps of changing the name in a future meeting.

“I think this is clear, this causes hurt in our community, this makes people re-experience trauma, this isolates people, and that’s not acceptable. And so we’ve got to change it. I appreciated the Lheidli leadership coming forward with this request, it made it easier to make this decision,” said Councillor Kyle Sampson.

Councillors Kyle Sampson and Brian Skakun wondered if people in the community affected by the road name change should have some input along with the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation.

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Skakun took a moment to read an excerpt from a letter from 1948 sent from the BC Teachers Federation to the Indigenous parents of children who were taken to residential schools.

“And then it goes on to say that children are not allowed to go home alone on the train or bus he said, the principal also stressed that children must be brought back to school strictly on time, and if they aren’t the children will not be allowed to go home for Christmas the next year.”

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