Around 7,500 people showed up for the Rooftop Rock event in Prince George on Saturday (August 7th).
That’s according to the Event Producer, Kyle Sampson.
Exhibition Park saw live music, a classic car show, food trucks, a Royal Canadian Air Force F-18 flying overhead, and more.
The event was free, but donations were accepted at the gate for The Wheelin’ Warriors of the North, and Sampson said they far exceeded their goal of $10,000 by reaching over $22,000.
“When we got planning further and further the last few weeks, just kind of realizing this is the return of live events in a major way, and why not add things that people maybe have missed?” he added.
There were roughly 75 market vendors and a dozen food vendors at the event.
Northern Health also set up a pop-up vaccination clinic that ended up vaccinating 100 people.

“All in all, the event turned out to be a resounding success and that is thanks to a lot of dedicated, passionate, and hardworking people. So to our sponsors, vendors, service providers, volunteers, entertainers, and to our patrons – thank you! I think this turned out to be a wonderful way to welcome back live events in our community in a big way!” said Sampson.
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