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HomeNewsRoad painting operations nearly complete in Prince George

Road painting operations nearly complete in Prince George

City crews are nearly done with their road line painting operations for the year.

Over the past month, workers have been busy painting road symbols and markings onto streets throughout the city.

Crews repaint all of the road lines across the city every year, while over 900 symbols are painted each year in a three-year cycle.

According to the City, most of the road line painting is expected to be completed by the end of July if the weather permits, while crews must wait for the completion of scheduled road paving projects to finalize line and traffic symbol markings on some sections of roads.

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This year, the City of Prince George is painting:

  • 276,284 metres of white road lines
  • 193,062 metres of yellow road lines
  • over 600 turning arrows
  • 609 pedestrian crossings
  • 470 stop lines
  • Lines and markings for three roundabouts
  • Accessible parking stall symbols in civic parking lots

According to the City, road line markings do fade faster than previous years, as the paint being used now is government-mandated, environmentally friendly paint that doesn’t handle the seasonal freeze-thaw cycle as well as the lead-based paint that was once used.

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