Firesmart BC is pushing an awareness campaign in the Prince George area to try and reduce the risk of wildfires.
The Regional District of Fraser- Fort George is offering complimentary property reviews to homeowners in the Pidherny, Malaspina, and Broddy Road neighbourhoods.
“What we’re focusing on is that immediate metre and a half from the home, that’s our first priority. We want to ensure there’s no fuel in that zone, so things like bark mulch, cedar trees, juniper trees. The resin within them is so highly volatile, they burn so hot and so fast,” said Anita de Dreu, Emergency Services Coordinator with the Regional District.
These neighbourhoods were identified as high risk in the 2018 Community Wildfire Protection Plan.
“When it comes to being FireSmart, education is everything. From yard maintenance and landscaping best practices to fire-resilient building materials, learning what you can do today to protect yourself from wildfires can save your home and lives tomorrow,” said de Dreu.
She said doing something as simple as moving synthetic patio cushions indoors when they’re not in use could reduce the chances of your home getting damaged in a fire.
People interested in learning more about reducing wildfire risk to your home can check out their website.
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