The Regional District of Fraser Fort George (RDFFG) has released a public online survey as part of a housing needs assessment being conducted in the coming weeks to better understand housing challenges throughout the district.
RDFFG will be engaging with residents, stakeholders, and Indigenous communities in the coming weeks to determine what kind of housing is needed most in the region.
According to the district, they will do so by identifying existing and potential gaps in the housing supply.
The organization hopes to use the survey and assessment to determine the following:
- Key areas of local need, including affordable housing, rental housing, special needs housing, seniors housing, family housing, and shelters and housing for people at risk of homelessness
- The number of housing units required to meet current and anticipated housing needs for at least the next five years, by housing type. Housing ‘type’ is defined as dwelling size (number of bedrooms)
- The number and percentage of households in core housing need and extreme core housing need Information from the assessment will help shape discussion and consideration when developing or considering amendments to Regional District Official Community Plans.
The public survey takes between 5-10 minutes and is confidential, it can be found online and physical copies are available by contacting the district office.
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