After being pushed in two separate meetings, Prince George property owners will finally know what the tax levy will be tomorrow (Monday) night.
A two percent tax raise was originally proposed, however, residents voiced their concern with the proposal during the public input sessions, citing COVID-19 financial concerns.
So, there will also be a discussion on the possibility of no increase, and what it would look like.
The largest portion of the levy would come from the snow clearing budget, which is about 1.33 percent.
Council will also be asked to consider an enhancement to the police protection budget.
The enhancement would see two more officers hired, with a focus on social issues, de-escalation, and non-lethal force.
Should it pass, $96,000 of the budget would be set aside for the enhancement this year, with another $365,000 for 2022.
Meanwhile, Prince George was the recipient of $6.1 million as part of the provincial and federal government’s safe restart grant, which could be used to offset a part of the increase, or eat it entirely.
Council was reluctant to spend all the money in one go, because they don’t know what the next year will look like and might need leftover funds for a rainy day.
In order to bring the levy down to zero, about half of the grant funding would need to be spent, leaving about $3 million left over.
Additionally, City Administration is recommending the second five percent penalty for taxes be moved back to the preCOVID-19 deadline of the second Friday in September.
Administration is also recommending an interest payment system for overdue utility accounts to be implemented starting January of 2022.
Other items on the agenda include: Repairs to damage outside of the PG Playhouse, Car 60 expansion update, local air emissions, a grant application for the Ferguson Lake Nature Reserve Rehabilitation project, a presentation by inspiring women in leadership, and an update on the Community Futures outreach program.
The meeting gets underway tomorrow at 6:00 pm.
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