Northern Health is reminding Northern B.C. residents of an opportunity to share their COVID-19 pandemic experiences and actions, to help inform B.C.’s response and be part of further studies.
A province-wide survey – called ‘BC COVID-19 SPEAK: Your story, our future’ – has been launched to hear about experiences of BC residents in the COVID-19 pandemic so far.
” We know that already there have been more than 11,500 northern BC residents that have participated. Provincewide there have been more than 313,000 residents who have completed the survey,” said spokesperson Eryn Collins.
“They are seeking more feedback from the north, particularly from men and seniors, because those seem to be groups that are underrepresented in the survey responses to date.”
The survey is a collaboration of B.C. public health experts, health authority medical health officers, the BC Centre for Disease Control and Provincial Health Services Authority, as well as the provincial health officer.
There is also an opportunity to express your interest in participating in further studies, including a serology blood test study to determine immunity.
“Even if you have already completed the survey but you know of friends, family members or neighbors who haven’t yet, encourage them to do so or perhaps even help them complete the survey themselves,” added Collins.
“More northern residents completing the survey means there will be more representation of our northern perspective.”
The survey can be accessed through the BC Centre for Disease Control website and closes on Sunday (May 31)
It is also available by phone at 1-833-707-1900 from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm daily.
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