“It has been difficult seeing the change in our downtown since COVID-19 closed business doors or limited customer access,” said Colleen Van Mook, Executive Director of Downtown Prince George.
As the weather continues to improve, the Prince George RCMP are increasing resources in the city’s downtown and surrounding areas.
Although the initiative will run throughout the summer, it began on Monday and has already seen results.
“We’ve generated files, we’ve arrested persons, and we’ve been in the area,” said Cpl. Craig Douglass, a spokesperson for Prince George RCMP.
Frontline officers have returned to bicycles and foot patrols, in addition to patrol vehicles, to provide a quieter approach to the negative elements on the streets in commercial areas.
“They can’t hear the car coming, and we can get into cracks and crevices a little bit easier – alleyways or whatever it might be,” Douglass stated.
The initiative was partially spurred by the start of the second phase of the Restart BC Plan, which prompted many downtown businesses to begin to reopen.
Douglass said businesses reopening helps with enforcement: “the more eyes in an area the better.”
However, despite the virus’ effects, RCMP have still been present throughout the city.
“I think the RCMP have found the crime rates overall in the city have sort of dispersed as a result of COVID, they’ve shifted slightly… I think overall the calls for service are relatively similar,” Douglass concluded.
“These areas are shopping and entertainment destinations in our community” said Supt. Shaun Wright, the Officer in Charge of the Prince George RCMP.
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