– Files from Brendan Pawliw/My PG Now
The Prince George Fire and Rescue Department is one of many services in the city preparing for the possible spread of Covid-19.
Fire Chief John Iverson explained the firefighting aspect of the job has remained unchanged, but staff are taking extra precautions when it comes to cleanliness and hygiene.
“We are focussing on disinfecting on an increased level with our equipment, trucks, and stations,” said Iverson.
“It’s critical we maintain the fire service and emergency response in this city.”
Iverson stressed firefighters should practice universal precautions, adding that there is appropriate equipment on the trucks for first responders.
He remembers SARS and more recently H1N1.
“We were getting calls on a regular basis to come to people’s homes and assess them for flu-like symptoms. This isn’t exactly new to a lot of us, going through that helped us to be more prepared with this one,” said Iverson.
Maintaining a healthy, full staff will be key to service, he added.
“Our folks know and understand how important they are as front line responders in these events, they are well prepared. People should feel very comfortable that if they need us, we will be there.”
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