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HomeNews​ICBC suspends all driver road tests due to pandemic concerns

​ICBC suspends all driver road tests due to pandemic concerns

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic in British Columbia, ICBC is suspending all driver road tests effective today (March 17),  in line with public health recommendations around social distancing.

All motorcycle, passenger, and commercial road tests are cancelled for two weeks, according to the insurance company.

ICBC will reassess the situation in two weeks, taking into account public health recommendations at that time.

All impacted customers scheduled to take road tests over the next week are being notified by ICBC that their appointment has been cancelled, and will be rescheduled for a later date.

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Approximately 15,000 tests are expected to be impacted.

ICBC is also requesting customers pay traffic tickets and other fines via phone or mail, limiting the number of customers in waiting areas, increasing cleaning, directing customers who are sick or who have travelled outside the country to not enter offices, and asking Covid-19 screening questions.

Appointments at claims centres are restricted to urgent transactions and walk-in service for vehicle insurance customers is suspended.

Customers with scheduled road tests are encouraged to visit or call 1-800-950-1498.

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