After last week’s season 8 premiere of Big Brother Canada saw contestant Michael Stubley of Prince George marked ‘safe’, his family back home is watching eagerly to see how far he can go in the competition.
Stubley, 25, is an infantryman according to his show biography.
“Oh my God, watching it, I had so much anxiety. So much anxiety. I couldn’t settle down!” said Stubley’s mother, Lillian Astorino.
“As soon as I cuddled up into bed, and started watching, it was just so surreal, just seeing him on TV.”
Despite receiving enough fan votes to avoid elimination for week one, Lillian believes her son would have thrived in the first challenge that saw houseguest having to pull a rope to stop a car from falling off a bridge.
“I knew he was safe because they were saying four were up for elimination,” said Lillian.
“I was looking at my Mike, and I was thinking, I bet you anything he would have wanted to do that challenge, that would have been totally up Mike’s alley!”

As far as watching her son on TV:
“I’m in awe! I’m actually starstruck!”
Stubley’s grandmother, Garnette, feels similarly.
“I know the show exists, but it’s not something we watched!”
“All of a sudden my grandson contacts me and says ‘guess what? I’ve got interviewed for Big Brother Canada!’ I said, you better watch out, it might be a scam!”
Both women agree the moment took a little while to fully sink in.
“He texted me, and he goes ‘Mom, can you talk?’ and my first thing is oh my god, what happened, oh my god, what did you do?” laughed Lillian.
“I think he had to convince me that this was true and taking place!” said Garnette.
The next episode airs tonight on Global at 4 pm PST.
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