School District 57 Board Trustees and administrative staff spent the weekend reviewing feedback received after last week’s motion was carried to engage in a process to rename the Kelly Road Secondary School (KRSS) to Shas-Ti Secondary.
“The Board and administrative staff are committed to reading and responding to every call and email, and completed this over the weekend,” said Board Chair Tim Bennett.
“We were informed by the comments, many of which came from students who were unhappy about the process to date, but already had creative suggestions for moving forward together.”
This week, the Superintendent and Deputy Superintendent will be joining school staff in classroom visits at KRSS.
The purpose of the visits is to listen to student concerns and acknowledge their voice in the situation.
“Last week, some students felt compelled to choose protest to voice their feelings. We feel strongly that we need to give all students the ability to share their thoughts and feelings while
we are here to listen. We will do that by making ourselves available to them in their classrooms,” said Anita Richardson, Superintendent.
Both will also be participating in a staff meeting for KRSS teachers this week where staff will be able to ask questions about their role moving forward.
“We’ve been told that the ambiguity of the motion has been the most difficult for people because they are looking to see how they can engage in the process of providing feedback,” said Richardson.
“We want to ensure they also feel supported and heard throughout this process. That’s why we’re working quickly to ensure purposeful opportunities are provided for students, staff, alumni and the public to participate” added Richardson.
To keep up with public inquiry, the School District has set up a feedback email: and has updated the Q&A section on its website.
More details on the engagement process and opportunities for participation will be announced before Spring Break.
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