Prince George City Council has decided to get funding for the Fraser Basin Bench re-mediation project.
In a unanimous vote, council will look to get federal and provincial money for the project that limits erosion along the river and Mayor Lyn Hall says this area is starting to become a liability.
“And we were looking for some kind of funding,” says Hall, “because as the year’s went on, that erosion and the construction of that area continued and continued and continued, so that was a big part of it.”
Council’s decision to fund the re-mediation project will mean work on Phase 2 of the Hart Highlands Sewer Project will be delayed.
Resident Sylvia Korotash says they are disappointed with the group’s decision.
“Because that grant funding is there for septic systems being changed into sanitary sewers,” says Korotash, “it is apart of the Small Communities Grant Fund, they’ve opted to put it elsewhere.”
Council has agreed to create a working group to find out how to get adequate funding for phase 2 of the sewer project.