Residents gathered once again for Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Civic Centre Monday morning.
RCMP Corporal Craig Douglass led the ceremony, beginning with the national anthem and a rendition of it performed by the Khast’an Drummers .
“Let us pause to think reverently of those of our comrades, who by sea, by land, and in the air, laid down their lives for their sovereign and country,” Douglass addressed to a crowd of hundreds. “Their sacrifice will ever inspire us to labour on to the end, that those who survived and need our aid, may be assured of assistance and that the country in which we live and for which they died, may ever be worthy of the sacrifice they made. During the silence, we will remember our fallen comrades and those who have passed on since we last gathered.”
President of Branch 43 of the Royal Canadian Legion, Margaret Goings, “Remembrance Day affects all of us in a very personal way. Many of us are here because of relationships with those family members and friends who died in the service of our

country. There are very few veterans left from that great generation that fought for freedom in the first and second world wars. If you have the privilege to know any of these people, please take the opportunity to learn from them as there are few world warriors left and they are rapidly fading away.”
Participants marched off at 10:45 a.m. to the city Cenotaph, in front of city hall, to observe two minutes of silence at 11:00 a.m.
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