More than 926,000 British Columbians over the age of 15 have some form of disability, according to Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.
He’s coming to Prince George this weekend to hear feedback about new laws, standards, and policies that are being written up under the New Access and Inclusion Legislation for Persons with Disabilities in British Columbia.
“We’re going to be in nine communities over the next month,” Simpson told MyPGNow.”I think some people don’t realize the breadth of the challenge for persons with disabilities. Those numbers continue to grow, particularly as we age. This is an issue that affects a large segment of our population in British Columbia.”
“I’m hoping that people will be engaged and involved so that we can ensure that we can produce the best possible legislation here that will meet people’s needs and will do it in a way that is supportive of people who are doing business and people who are delivering services in our community as well.”
The consultation is at Duchess Park Secondary School at 2:30 p.m. this Saturday.
Other feedback opportunities (open from September 16th to November 29th at 4 pm):
- Completing the online questionnaire. This will take approximately 10 minutes;
- Sending your comments by email or telephone;
- Attending an in-person session in one of nine locations;
- Participating in a virtual town hall;
- Community groups, libraries, and other organizations can apply for resources for independent community meetings for up to $2,000 to host their own conversations and provide feedback. For details, visit SPARC BC
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