The Rated PG Roller Derby squad is holding an invitational, Saturday afternoon.
The “Sk8-fest” brings players from all over Northern BC and Alberta to play in one big game.
“We just mix the teams up, we make up two teams, we play as derby sisters throughout Western Canada,” says Alicia Lock, who plays as “Lockdown”.
If you’ve never seen a roller derby game, Lock describes it as – “We go around the track, there’s two teams, basically, the people that have the stars on the helmet, they’re the jammers, they’re the ones who score the points.”
“Even if you don’t know the rules, it’s not like hockey, but it’s a lot of fun and entertaining, with girls who like to dress up and be physical,” Lock says.
Though they have varying skill-levels, player Alicia Lock, who plays as “Lockdown” says experienced players won’t target newer derby girls.
“We would prefer to help them along, and flourish in their skills, as opposed to picking on that person who doesn’t know what they’re doing,” Lock says. “It’s about having fun, we’re not out to destroy the other person.”
Lock says the half-time show will have prizes for Sunday’s Extreme Ice Race.
Doors open at 5:30 at the Roll-a-dome.
Tickets are $10.
For more info, visit the Rated PG RollerGirls’ website.
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