Tomorrow (Wednesday) will see yet another edition of the Variety Prince George-Vanderhoof Radiothon get underway.
“We are so pleased to be continuing our incredible partnership with 94.3 the GOAT, Country 97FM, and Valley GOAT,” said Cally Wesson, Variety CEO. “And of course, we’re extremely appreciative of the long-term support we continually receive from the amazing communities of Prince George and Vanderhoof.”
Listeners who tune in to either fo the three stations will have the chance to hear how Variety BC helps kids in Prince George and Vanderhoof including Tony, a 10-year-old boy who has Spastic Cerebral Palsy and whose family was provided with a stroller and a bike trailer.
“It’s the two days a year that the staff look forward to the most, ” said Kev Cotter, Program Director for 94.3 the GOAT. “Knowing that we’re supporting families with special needs children right here in Prince George… there’s nothing more exciting than hearing those phone lines ring.”
Most recently, Variety BC has directly supported over 300 families in the area of the Northern Capital with everything from medical supplies, mobility equipment and speech therapy to mental health counseling, education bursaries and even a Sunshine Family van.
This year’s event has been sponsored by Canadian Tire and will be originating from the studios of 94.3 the GOAT, Country 97 FM, and Valley GOAT. The Variety Prince George-Vanderhoof Radiothon will be broadcasting both Wednesday and Thursday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Last year’s event raised over $60,000.
Donations can be made by calling toll-free at 310-KIDS, online at, here at MyPGNow, or by texting “KIDS” to 45678 to make an automatic $20 contribution.
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