There’s a new outlaw in town, and it blooms yellow.
Common tansy is one on the list of invasive plant species Claire Watkins, Environmental Technician IPM and Vegetation at City of Prince George is trying to eradicate.
“One of the problems we are having is that it’s not listed on BC Weed Control Act for this area,” Watkins told MyPGNow.
“So we don’t have any enforcement power with our bylaws until we get it on there. Until then we just kind of have to hope that people will control it on their property.”
Watkins said if cows eat the plant, it can taint the taste of their milk and can also cause skin rashes on those sensitive to it.
“A lot of perennial plants, when they die at the end of the year their foliage just collapses to the ground; Common Tansy doesn’t. So it’s got very stiff skeletons that can be up to a metre and a half in height.”
For more information on invasive plants, you can visit the Northwest Invasive Plant Council.
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